Can your business continue if coronavirus strikes you?

As more people are being isolated by coronavirus, have you considered allowing staff whose jobs lend themselves to it, the ability to work from home?

There are several ways to achieve this. Remote access to files via VPN, FTP, Cloud Storage or Remote Desktop to name a few. If they are working from home could you use a chat based system like Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts, Quip or Slack for faster communication.

Other things to consider:

  • Do your server backups need human intervention to swap disks or tapes?
  • Is your office internet capable of handling staff accessing your systems remotely?
  • Do you need to provide staff with computers or will you allow them to use their own?
  • Is your staffs home internet fast enough?
  • Could you provide 4G Wireless connections?

These and other questions we can answer so why not get in contact and see if we can help.