Performance Monitoring

Cyber Security Packages Stack

What is Performance Monitoring?

Performance Monitoring involves using enterprise level monitoring software to track key applications and hardware and interpreting the telemetry data to ensure network availability, enhance performance and efficiency and improve the overall experience to users.

Close up of server racks

Reciprocal IT systems

Business applications, mobile applications and websites are highly complex - They're often interconnected across many enterprise and open-source software solutions, communicating across Wi-Fi and wired networks, and can be hosted in both local and cloud based environments.

A break down in the interaction between these various systems can lead to serious problems such as:

  • Increased operational cost
  • Reduction in efficiency & productivity
  • Downtime or interruption to services
  • Poor user experience
  • Decrease in revenue

Real-time analytics

Once we install our monitoring software on your systems, we initially create an inventory of devices and applications on the network and then continuously observe each of them to create real-time analytics that can be used to measure and improve the health and efficiency of the network.

Core service features

We can observe your system continuously by using a suite of monitoring and application discovery software that can trace and diagnose issues with your systems including:

  • Automatic discovery and mapping of IT infrastructure
  • Server, desktop and mobile device monitoring
  • Observability of an application's transactional behavior
  • Tracking of scanner, printer and other SNMP device resources
  • Analysis of application performance problems and impact
  • Monitoring of employees with virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI)
Performance monitoring charts

Benefits of monitoring IT assets



Application stability & reduced incidents



Proactively resolve performance problems



Streamline patch & software releases



Improved productivity through efficiency



Use IT infrastructure more proficiently



Reduced operational costs & increased revenue



Collaborate more easily & effectively



Better user experiences for staff & clients

Efficiency starts here

Performance monitoring is essential to any business that wants to streamline their IT systems and proactively control issues and reduce costs.

Call or email Your IT Crew to one of our experienced consultants today.